DIY Succulent Wedding Favors
Welcome back, smarties. How have you been? Have you noticed something, smarties? Gone is the long, cold winter. The fluffy white snow has melted. The grass, the plants, they are growing back. All our animal friends are back outside.
And most importantly, it's warm. So what is with this change? Spring is finally here, folks!
Since we are not stuck inside because of the snow, the great outdoors are ours now. We can do many enjoyable activities with our family and friends in spring. We can ride bikes, blow bubbles, go hiking and camping, go to the beach, have water balloon fights, watch cherry blossoms, and go on picnics and food festivals.
While those were some of our favorite spring activities, we are curious about what you like to do in spring. So do let us know, smarties.
Magical Time of the Year!
There is one more thing about spring we love. All our smarties already know of our love for all things wedding. So this is easy to guess. Yes, we love spring weddings! The marriage ceremony marks the new beginning of the married couple and their families, just like how spring is the season of new beginnings. The symbolism is pretty romantic. The flowers, the greenery, and the spring colors add to the beauty of all outdoor events. It's one of the reasons why people prefer a spring wedding over any other.
Spring is the perfect season for outdoor parties, ceremonies, and functions. Of course, it goes without a saying for the wedding ceremonies too. You can, of course, host all your marriage functions inside, but where is the fun in that. We have been stuck indoors for some time now; let us enjoy the outdoors, shall we? Shades of yellow, pink, blue, green, and purple will look fabulous this season. You can choose a color combination that works for you and stick with it for the dresses, decorations, cakes, and flowers. You will have dreamy engagement parties, brunch parties, bachelorette parties, and wedding ceremonies.
DIY Wedding Favor Ideas
Smarties, whenever we speak about an event, we bring some ideas, tricks, and tips for you, right? So, today we have a few do it your-self-wedding favor ideas!
Let us talk a little about wedding favors first. Party or wedding favors are small gifts given by the hosts, to the guests, as a gesture of gratitude for their attendance at the event. Wedding favors typically complement the season or the wedding. Giving a party favor or not is up to the bride and the groom. Depending on the couple's budget, wedding favors can be handmade or brought. They can also be personalized with the couple's initials, the wedding date, etc.
Our first party favor idea compliments spring, our inspiration. Smarties, our idea for you is to give the gift of green to guests with DIY succulent wedding favors! Why do we recommend this do-it-yourself project? Because succulent favors are both eco and budget-friendly, your guests will love getting a plant to take home and grow as a symbol of your love. Plus, they look very chic!
DIY Wedding Favor Ideas Under 5$?
We called our idea budget-friendly, didn't we? Here's the proof, Smarties. You can buy mini succulents from your local garden shop or nursery for $3-$4 each. These cute mini bowls we have used are less than $1 each and come in a case of 100 or packs of 5, making it easy to order the amount you need for your wedding, baby shower, birthday party, or engagement party. As wedding favors can be personalized, we included our printable tags that say "Let Love Grow" and a sign that says "All things Grow with Love" to accompany our favors when we gave them to our guests. You can customize your wedding favors however you like, smarties.
Here is what you need to make your own succulent wedding favors.
- Succulents
- Mini bowls
- Bamboo picks
- Printable tags
- Soil
Let us get started!
Step 1: Gently remove the succulent from its container.
Step 2: Grab the mini bowl and add a little water to it. Then, carefully place the succulent inside the mini bowl.
Step 3: Add soil to the mini bowl. Press soil down to keep the plant moist.
Step 4: Cut out printable "Let Love Grow" tags. (You can use any printable tags). Take a bamboo pick and fold the tag in half using adhesive to keep it in place. We used a tape runner, but you could also use a glue stick or a small piece of double-stick tape.
Step 5: Place the bamboo pick with a tag in the soil of planted succulent. And you are done! Looks lovely, doesn't it?
Do you fancy spring herbs? Then, you can replace the succulent with one of those herbs too!
Do you know what else will be equally cute as succulents? Spring bulbs! Hear us out. You can place bulbs of crocuses, Alliums, daffodils, tulips, or any other spring bulb in our mini bowls and hand them as wedding favors. Then, your guests can plant them and enjoy the beauty of those lovely blooms. But, of course, they will never forget you whenever they see the blossoms, too.
DIY Candy-Themed Wedding Favor Idea
Another unique wedding favor you might like is table cloth napkins. You can fold the napkins to look like roses, pouches, leaves, and many shapes. Then, of course, you can tuck a spring flower to complete the look.
We all love something sweet, don't we? So why don't we give mini candy bowls as a wedding favor? You can fill these up with your favorite candies or candies in the season's colors or your theme; the possibilities are endless, smarties.
All you need is:
- mini bowls
- Candy of your choice
- Small ziplock bags
Fill the ziplock bags with your candies to the brim! No sweets should be left open for the ants! And then, place the bags inside the mini bowls gently. You can tie a ribbon around the bowl for decoration.
Smarties, you can also place handmade cookies instead of candies :)
Download All Things Grow with Love printable here!
Party on Smarties! With Love, Smarty Had A Party!