Employee Appreciation Should Happen Every Day
- Surprise Slushies In The Warehouse. We’ve had some pretty hot weather lately in St. Louis, so last week we decided to surprise our hard-working warehouse crew with free slushies in the (air-conditioned!) breakroom. The whole team enjoyed an extra break and icy treats to help them cool down. In fact, when temperatures get too hot around Smarty HQ, it’s our policy to give warehouse staff hourly breaks to get water, rest, and cool off so they can continue to be the amazing pickers, packers and shippers that they are!
- Smarty-Tested Product Giveaways. Whenever Smarty adds another fun party product to its inventory, we make sure our Smarties are the first to try it out. This month, we handed out our 21-oz Plastic Multipurpose Serving Containers to the whole staff so they could give us feedback on how they use it, what they like about it, how it should be marketed and shipped, etc. The feedback we get from our own employees is what makes our products tried-and-true accessories at our customers’ parties.
- June Birthday Breakfast. Every month we take some time to celebrate our Smarties’ birthdays. This month, we gathered the whole crew to sing happy birthday to those born in the month of June. We also enjoyed a delicious spread of bagels and cream cheese to mark the occasion.
- Continuing Education for Upper Management. While school is out for the rest of St. Louis, our upper management team headed back to class to take a few supplemental education classes that help them be the best leaders they can be and improve the employee experience for everyone at Smarty.